Answer our customer survey and win a gift card to our museum shop 12.7.2024 The survey is now closed – thank you to everyone who responded! Tell us what you think about HAM’s exhibitions and services by answering our customer survey. We will draw five €50 gift cards to the museum shop among all respondents.What did you think of your visit to HAM? How did we succeed in serving you? HAM is an art museum for everyone in Helsinki, and our mission is to maximise the presence of art in Helsinki. It is our aim to create HAM as an urban and curious home for art, an easygoing environment for experiencing art. Let us have your feedback on how well you think we are achieving our goal! By answering the survey, you will receive a 10% discount on one item in the museum shop.In August 2024, we will draw five €50 gift vouchers among all respondents. We will publish the names of the winners on our website. The customer survey is carried out by Kantar Oy. Read next New public artworks inspired by children’s forest excursions and drawings Mar 04, 2025 Renovated Finlandia Hall features 70 artworks and new public artwork by Kimmo Schroderus Jan 02, 2025 New public artworks in Vartiokylä and Oulunkylä bring joy and inspiration to children Nov 25, 2024
Renovated Finlandia Hall features 70 artworks and new public artwork by Kimmo Schroderus Jan 02, 2025