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© Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum

Vapaamuurarin hauta / Freemason’s Tomb

Artist Unknown

, Helsinki

The memorial known as the `Freemason’s Tomb’ is the grave of major Fredrik Granatenhjelm (1708-84) of the Finnish artillery brigade. It was erected by colonel Lars Jägerhorn. The tomb comprises a memorial stone and a surrounding iron fence. The insignia of the field artillery are attached to the fence, as are burning bombs and the symbol of the freemasons. The stone contains the text: “Lika Godt om verlden vet hvem här vilar alt nog Gud käner hvad han gjort och uslingen välsingar hans minne” (It means nothing if the world is ignorant of who sleeps here. God knows his deeds and the wretched bless his memory).

The work doesn’t belong to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed by HAM.

At map
