Antero Toikka: Light and Matter, 2002. © Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum Valo ja aine / Light and Matter Artist Antero Toikka , Helsinki Antero Toikka’s Light and Matter is situated at the Helsinki University’s Physicum building on the outside wall and measures 240 square metres. The work is created from polished mirror-clear stainless steel. The image on the facade symbolises “kaikkeuden kaukaisimpia sointuja” (which translates approximately as ‘sounds of the more distant universe’). The work also represents the divisions of the galaxies. As the text on the wall plaque reads: ‘…The plane of the sculpture is a vertical cross-section at the position of the Milky Way’. Physicum houses science faculties of the University including Departments of Geography and Geology and the Helsinki Institute for Physics. The building was designed by the Finnish architectural office Lahdelma & Mahlamäki. The artist, Antero Toikka, won the competition organised by the Finnish State Museum, in which artists were invited to submit proposals for an art work for the new site. The work Light and Matter was inaugurated on 9th September 2002. The work doesn’t belong to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed by HAM. At map