Antonio da Cudan: Creazione spaziale / Birth, 1977. © Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum / Maija Toivanen Syntymä / Creazione spaziale / Birth Artist Antonio da Cudan , Helsinki Creazione Spaziale, located in front of the Helsinki City Maternity Hospital and completed in 1977, was designed by Antonio da Cudan. The piece consists of string-like elements which grow into an organic structure. Its movement progresses from the embryonic shape in the middle of the upper part of the piece towards the ground and, from the ground up as an element protecting the embryo. The Italian name of the piece means spatial creation or creating in space. On the other hand, the piece associates with the development of the foetus in the uterus. The imagery of growth and birth is probably why it is more commonly known as Birth. Of Italian origin, Antonio da Cudan moved to Finland in the 1970s. He has studied art in Italy, Austria, Chile and Finland. The artist uses wood, clay and bronze as his materials. Creazione Spaziale, however, is cast in concrete. The work doesn’t belong to the collections of the Helsinki Art Museum. Read more.. At map