Essi Renvall: Statue of Peace, 1968. © Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum / Maija Toivanen Rauhanpatsas / Statue of Peace Artist Essi Renvall Ehrenströmintie 12, Helsinki The origins of this sculpture are well explained by the text inscribed in it in Finnish, Swedish and Russian: “Tämän rauhanpatsaan pystytti Suomen kansa rauhanomaisen rinnakkaiselon ja Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton ystävyyden vertauskuvaksi 6.4.1968.” (This statue of peace was erected by the people of Finland as a symbol of the peaceful coexistence and friendship of Finland and the Soviet Union; April 6, 1968). Essi Renvall (1911-1979) has said that the statue’s female figure is the spirit of peace returning after a war with a new, peaceful heart. The bronze work is 5,35 metres high and its red granite pedestal 3 metres high. The work belongs to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM. At map