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Bjarne Lönnroos: Temple of Love, 2003. © Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum / Hanna Kukorelli

Rakkauden temppeli / Temple of Love

Artist Bjarne Lönnroos

, Helsinki

At the top of the hill in the Kelkkapuisto park in Kontula is the Temple of Love, crowned with a heart cast in bronze. The pavilion-like structure is made of red granite from Taivassalo and in the darkness it glows like a small lighthouse.

The interior of the cupola is gilded and the walls adorned by ceramic plates of photographs on the subject of hearts. Temple of Love was purchased with the Helsinki City Art Museum appropriations for public art. The work was unveiled during the Kontufestari festival on Saturday, 16 August 2003, in the presence of the artist and invited guests. The work belongs to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM.

Text plays an important role in many of Bjarne Lönnroos’ (b. 1959) works. So it is in this one. The following inscription runs along the four sides of the Temple of Love:

You, dear in my heart
Every day by your side
We shall never part
How I have loved you

At map
