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Aarne Jämsä: Hiding Place Behind Closed Eyes, 2001. © Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum / Hanna Rikkonen

Piilopaikka… / Hiding Place Behind Closed Eyes

Artist Aarne Jämsä

, Helsinki

The series consists of eight coloured figures that come in two sizes, large and small. Each figure has two faces: open and alert on one side, sleepy but smiling on the other. Each figure has an individual expression. With the work, the artist, Aarne Jämsä (b. 1956), wants to illustrate individuality and standing out from the crowd.

The aluminium figures are painted in different colours that stand out or blend in with the changing seasons and the terrain. Some figures are engulfed in greenery in summer, coming to life in winter. The white shapes are accentuated in the autumn, but become muted when the snow comes. The figure indoors is bright yellow and keeps calling attention to itself. The entire work was paid for from the building’s budget and the work belongs to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM.

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