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Olli Salo: Pakokaasu / Exhaust, 2008. You may not use this photo for commercial purposes. © Photo: Helsinki Art Museum / Yehia Eweis

Pakokaasu / Exhaust

Artist Olli Salo

, Helsinki

The sculpture by Olli Salo (b. 1967) embodies a fascinating contrast between the subject matter and the medium: Salo has expressed a light, nearly ethereal motif in heavy stone. The surface of the massive stone object is sculpted in a way that brings it to life. The piece is mounted in the parking lot of Stoa, the Cultural Centre of Eastern Helsinki, on a base made of granite cube stones.

Exhaust belongs to the collections of the Helsinki Art Museum.

Other stone sculptures by Olli Salo in Helsinki include a set of three pieces at Pukinmäki comprehensive school entitled Three Moments in the Life of Chewing Gum and the Pipe and Propeller pieces in Ilveskorpi park in Vuosaari.

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