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© Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum

Muistomerkki inkeriläisille ja karjalaisille / Memorial for Ingrian and Karelian veterans

Artist Yrjö Sormunen

Topeliuksenkatu 6, Helsinki

Designed by architect Yrjö Sormunen, this monument to Ingrian and Karelian war veterans is located in Töölö. During the Continuation War, a unit of Ingrian and East Karelian volunteers was formed which fought alongside the Finnish army.

The memorial is made of red granite from Karelia, and it is 1.9 metres tall. The stone block bears the text: “In memory of the 2,500 East Karelians and Ingrians who fought in the Finnish Army during the Continuation War 1941-1944”. Memorial plaques on the same theme can be found also at the Riihimäki and Raahe railway stations. These memorial projects were the work of Inkeriläiset ja karjalaiset heimoveteraanit ry, the War Veterans’ Union of Finland and a memorial committee. The funding for the work was supported substantially by Sotavahinkosäätiö. The memorial in Töölö was unveiled on 29 May 2007.

The work does not belong to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed by HAM.

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