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Jouko Toiviainen: Mika Waltari memorial plague, 1983. You may not use this photo for commercial purposes. © Photo: Helsinki Art Museum

Mika Waltari -muistolaatta / Mika Waltari memorial plague

Artist Jouko Toiviainen

Saariniemenkatu 6, Siltasaari, Helsinki

The facade of the building at Saariniemenkatu 6 has a memorial plaque for the writer Mika Waltari, showing the author in relief, and with the text: AUTHOR, ACADEMICIAN MIKA WALTARI WAS BORN ON 19 SEPTEMBER 1908 IN A HOUSE THAT STOOD HERE. The house was a timber building, in which Waltari lived for the first three years of his life from 1908-12.

Mika Waltari memorial plaque is made by Jouko Toiviainen (b.1946). The work doesn’t belong to the collections of the Helsinki Art Museum.

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