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Memorial to the Ruotsinsalmi Naval Battle of 1790

Artist Birger Brunila

, Helsinki

The Ruotsinsalmi naval battle took place from 9-10 July 1790. The memorial to the battle is situated on Suomenlinna, which was the naval base of the Swedish navy during the Ruotsinsalmi battle in the 18th century. The anniversary of the Finnish navy is celebrated every year on the day of the Ruotsinsalmi battle.

The monument was designed by architect, Birger Brunila. After studying, Brunila worked in the same architects office with W.G. Palmqvist before travelling around Europe visiting exhibitions and congresses. On his return, Brunila work as a town planner in Helsinki and also designed residential buildings, factories and monuments. He was a follower of the English garden city ideology and a talented drawer.

The memorial was erected by the Ehrensvärd Society and Pro Helsingfors Foundation.

The work doesn’t belong to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed by HAM.

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