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Noora Schroderus: Landscape Behind a Curtain, 2013. One part of the piece. Photo: © HAM/Hanna Kukorelli.

Landscape Behind a Curtain

Artist Noora Schroderus

Harjantekijäntie 2, Helsinki

Noora Schroderus’s (b. 1982, Pirkkala) work Landscape Behind a Curtain consists of three parts: a sculpture in the yard and two reliefs on the wall of the centre’s meeting room. The work is installed in Oulunkylä Family Support Centre.

This sculpture in the yard is made of cast concrete painted white and topped with a tiny penguin gazing up at the sky. The undulating curtain-like shape of the sculpture can be seen as a majestic wall of ice.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM.

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