© Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum Kontulan asuntoalueen perustamismuistokivi / Memorial stone to the founding of the Kontula housing es Artist Unknown , Helsinki The memorial to the founding of the Kontula housing estate, located in the Mellunkylä area of Kontula, is a rough red granite,or rapakivi, boulder to which two metal plaques, one steel and the other copper, were attached in 1964. The steel plaque contains a text commemorating the founding of the housing estate: “Tähän kiveen muurattiin Kontulan asuntoalueen perustamiskirja maaliskuun 8 päivänä 1964.” (The charter of Kontula housing estate’s founding was set into this stone on March 8, 1964). The copper plaque’s text explains the history of the boulder: “Tämän rapakivilohkareen ovat jääkautisessa meressä uineet jäävuoret kuljettaneet Viipurin rapakivialueelta tälle paikalle.” (This rapakivi boulder was brought here from the Viipuri rapakivi area by icebergs floating in the glacial sea). At map