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Taisto Kaasinen: People, 1967. © Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum

Ihmisiä / People

Artist Taisto Kaasinen

Hämeentie 75, Hermanni, Helsinki

People, located in the Hermanni Parish Hall, is a ceramic relief made by Taisto Kaasinen in 1967. It depicts five people of different ages, holding each other by the hand to form a chain which symbolizes unity within the parish and involvement in the different stages of people’s lives. The relief is also a symbol of the parish’ duty to help its members serve God and be close to him.

The work doesn’t belong to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed by HAM.

Taisto Kaasinen was a ceramist with a remarkable career in industrial arts and at the Arabia factories. His oeuvre comprises several reliefs, located, for instance, on the ferries sailing between Finland and Sweden, and on ice breakers. They include animals as well as abstract pieces.

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