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Lauri Anttila: Helios: 2010. © Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum / Hanna Kukorelli


Artist Lauri Anttila

, Helsinki

Helios by sculptor Professor Lauri Anttila consists of stone elements on the ground and a round mirror mounted on the exterior wall of the Ursa Observatory. As the sun crosses the meridian of the Observatory, its light is reflected in the mirror of the tower onto the stones on the ground. When the sun is in the south, the time is approximately 20 minutes past one, and the reflected light falls on the boundary between the light and the dark stones. The work functions as a sundial.

The elements on the ground are made of three different types of stone. The dark stone is rare black stone from Koidanvaara near the Finnish border, the pale stone, Arctia Beige, comes from Ristijärvi, while the foundation stone is Karelia Beige from Savitaipale.
Helios was unveiled in Kaivopuisto park on a hill next to the Ursa Observatory on 16 June 2010. The work was accepted on behalf of the City of Helsinki by Mayor Jussi Pajunen.

The work belongs to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM.

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