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© Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum

Habsburg-höyrylaivan haaksirikon mm / The memorial to the shipwreck of S/S Habsburg

Artist Gunnar Finne

, Helsinki

The memorial to the wreck of S/S Habsburg commemorates the Germans who fell in the Finnish Civil War and, in particular, the 123 soldiers sailing back to Germany who drowned in the wreck of the S/S Habsburg on October 16, 1918. It was created by Gunnar Finne.

The monument is made of red granite and includes the following text in German, Finnish and Swedish: “In Finnish soil rest 383 German warriors fallen defending our freedom in the year 1918.” The sides of the monument contain the following text in Finnish, Swedish and German: “With gratefulness we honour the memory of the 123 German brothers-in-arms who participated in liberating Finland in 1918 and who, after fulfilling their duty, were drowned in the Baltic Sea in the wreck of the S/S Habsburg on October 16, 1918. In memoria liberatorum.”

At map
