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J. T. Sergel: Ehrensvärd's grave, 1805. © Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum

Ehrensvärdin hauta / Ehrensvärd’s grave

Artist J. T. Sergel

, Helsinki

The memorial to Augustin Ehrensvärd (1710-1772), the founder of the Suomenlinna island fortress, is located in the large courtyard on Suomenlinna’s Susisaari island. The memorial is based on a sketch made by the Swedish king Gustavus III, which was finalized by C.A. Ehrensvärd. It was commissioned from J.T. Sergel, and finally completed in probably 1805, only a few years before Sweden ceded Finland to Russia. During 1772-1782 Ehrensvärd lay in a temporary vault in the city cemetery until he could be moved to the grave in Suomenlinna.

The work doesn’t belong to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed by HAM.

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