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Suvi Sysi: Reflecting, 2023. Photo: HAM/Viljami Annanolli


Artist Suvi Sysi

Kaarelanraitti school, Kaarelan raitti 1, 00430 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

Limited access: the work is available to view for the users of the premises only.

Suvi Sysi has carved wavelike patterns on the two large pieces of the work titled Reflecting, made of birch plywood plates. One of the pieces is placed in the Kaarelanraitti school’s gym and one in the school’s cafeteria. Of the plates, Sysi has made blue-toned proofs on Wenzhou paper and placed them in a transparent box. The work is related to solidarity, interaction, time, information and being on the move. The title, Reflecting, ties the work to the school community: Learning and growing take place in interaction with others.

Interaction is also connected to the work’s multi-part structure. The three parts of the installation communicate with and depend on each other. First, the work’s wooden parts are like the positive and negative of an abstract image, separated from one another. Second, their materials, the birch plywood plates, are necessary for the proofs. Third, the rolled-up proofs in the box refer to information storage and to the preservation of an isolated moment.

Helsinki-based Suvi Sysi (b. 1990 in Nilsiä, Finland) explores time, spatiality, form, textures and the manifestation of colour, often in installations. Sysi began her career working with paper-based graphic arts. Currently, she works with clay, wood and plaster. Applying corporeal methods, Sysi works slowly by hand. In her art, she explores sensing, experiences and moving to areas that cannot be verbalised or reasoned.

The work belongs to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM.

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