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Anu-Katriina Pesonen: Northern Garden, 2002. A part of the work. Photo: HAM/Kalle Kaitala.

Northern Garden

Artist Anu-Katriina Pesonen

Aurora Hospital, building no. 1, Nordenskiöldinkatu 20, 00250 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

Limited access: the work is available to view for the users of the premises only.

Anu-Katriina Pesonen’s Northern Garden was created for the rehabilitation clinic and shelter for psychiatric patients at Aurora Hospital.

Made up of small photographs and fragments of poetry, the installation has growth as its theme. Pesonen photographed plants that are able to withstand the harsh northern climate or flourish in unforgiving urban asphalt. The framed photographs are embedded in a silvery-painted wall in the elevator lobby.

The text fragments were collected during the meetings of the hospital poetry group. The feelings, thoughts and memories of the group members are captured on seven small enamel plaques mounted in the corridors of different floors.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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