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Ville Mäkikoskela: Nature on the Move, 2023. Photo: HAM/Kirsi Halkola.

Nature on the Move and Human in Nature

Artist Ville Mäkikoskela

Tahvonlahti school, Gunillantie 12, 00870 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

Limited access: the work is available to view for the users of the premises only.

Two pieces of stone sculpture by Ville Mäkikoskela have been unveiled in the renovated Tahvonlahti school. One of the sculptures is located in the school’s entrance hall; the other is outside in the yard. 

The work in the entrance hall, Nature on the Move, is a piece of solid rock, dug from the school site where the new building now stands and lifted to stand on a pair of boots. The work was sculpted from a single piece of rock and then brought inside the school building. The other work, Human in Nature, stands outside in the school yard on top of a rock. It was sculpted from a single piece of Varpaisjärvi black diabase. Its basic form resembles a pedestal or building block. The pedestal seems to have a wet sock hung to dry on one of its corners, and a woollen sock with holes seems to have sunk in the block, now protruding and enabling rainwater to run through it.

Ville Mäkikoskela (b. 1975) is a sculptor with an interest in the everyday life and twists of fate. He is fascinated by the spatiality and corporeality of sculpting and by how a sculpture and the body compare in the process of making a work of art as well as in finished works. 

The work belongs to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM.

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