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Kirsi Kivivirta: IF I WERE A TREE, 2023. Photo: HAM/Kirsi Halkola.


Artist Kirsi Kivivirta

Daycare Soittaja, Soittajantie 10, 00420 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

Limited access: the work is available to view for the users of the premises only.

Kirsi Kivivirta’s IF I WERE A TREE consists of wooden circles in the building’s façade and ceramic branch reliefs inside the building. The branches in the work bring the surrounding environment indoors, and the textured surface invites viewers to touch it. The circles engage in dialogue with the building’s windows, floor patterns, lights, furniture, and gate details.

Kirsi Kivivirta’s (b. 1959) artistic practice is based on everyday spaces, urban landscape, and architecture. Kivivirta’s main material is white porcelain, but in her work for Daycare Soittaja, she also used wood for the first time.

The work belongs to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM.

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