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Hanna Vahvaselkä: Field, 2002. Photo: HAM/Hanna Kukorelli.


Artist Hanna Vahvaselkä

Auringonkukka Daycare Centre, Kevätkatu 6, 00710 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

Limited access: the work is available to view for the users of the premises only.

The work Field in Auringonkukka Daycare Centre by Hanna Vahvaselkä (b. 1973, Lappeenranta) consists of several wood reliefs produce with different techniques. The largest of them is located in the entrance hall. It depicts people sitting among plants growing in a field, with a child walking a dog in the centre. Some of the figures are painted in oil, others are shallow milled reliefs and still others are cutouts in the wood. Elsewhere in the daycare centre are six smaller works, all of them wood reliefs in the shape of persons, with faces and clothes drawn on in delicate pencil lines. The shapes of the six smaller works are also present in the large relief.

The artist found inspiration for the work in the fields near the daycare centre and the austere beauty of those fields in spring. The work is an exploration of our relationship with nature.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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