Kati Rapia: Night Concert in the Storage Room, 2023. Photo: HAM/Viljami Annanolli Night Concert in the Storage Room Artist Kati Rapia Tahvonlahti school, Gunillantie 12, 00870 Helsinki Indoor Sculpture Limited access: the work is available to view for the users of the premises only. Kati Rapia’s relief, Night Concert in the Storage Room is situated in the staircase of Tahvonlahti school. In accordance with the school’s weighted physical education curriculum, the work invites the observer to move and play; it seems that the sports equipment in the storage room has come to life and raised its voice in song. The aluminium-composite collage consists of stall bars, balls, various heaps, mattresses and vaulting bucks. According to Rapia, children’s closest environment is their imagination, and an object need not be defined by its apparent purpose; instead, it can be defined by its users and viewers. Kati Rapia (b. 1972) is a visual artist, cartoonist, scriptwriter, photographer and illustrator. She graduated from the Helsinki University of Industrial Arts’ Department of Photographic Art in 2003. Rapia has long studied unintentional arrangements by humans – heaps, piles and stacks – and introduced visual memories of them into her art. Rapia’s works imitate baroque still-life paintings in a reformative and original style. In 2018, Rapia received the Finnish State Prize for Comic Art. The work belongs to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM. At map