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Pasi Mann: Toy Land and Family Tree, 2001. Photo: HAM/Hanna Kukorelli.

Toy Land and Family Tree

Artist Pasi Mann

Auringonpilkku Daycare Centre, Villiruusunkuja 4, 00990 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

Limited access: the work is available to view for the users of the premises only.

Pasi Mann has created two photographic works for the Auringonpilkku Daycare Centre. Toy Land uses objects to depict the everyday lives of children of different ages. Family Tree examines the process of children growing up. Mann has sought to depict the opportunities and choices that children face when they grow into adulthood in a constantly changing world.

The two-part Family Tree and the one-part Toy Land are both digitally altered photographs. Their visual richness arises from the combination of photography and painting. The works follow the contours of the curving wall.

The works were produced under the Percent for Art programme, and they belong to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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