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Kaisu Koivisto: Discoveries, 2003. Kuva: HAM/Hanna Kukorelli.


Artist Kaisu Koivisto

Latokartano Comprehensive School Leskenlehti, Leskirouva Freytagin kuja 9, 00710 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

Limited access: the work is available to view for the users of the premises only.

This installation in the lunch room of Latokartano Comprehensive School Leskenlehti was created by Kaisu Koivisto (b. 1962, Seinäjoki). Entitled Discoveries, it consists of three parts, two of which are integrated, the third an independent work.

The two intertwined parts are suspended from the ceiling beams and contain objects found in nature and fragments of man-made things. One features letters and numbers cut from steel, along with bovine jawbones, some real, some cast in bronze or aluminium. Inside the other part are steel and aluminium forks and spoons, plastic toys, cast resin objects, cow horns and kangaroo bones.

The third, independent part is mounted on a wall. Resembling a racetrack for toy cars, it refers to traffic and mobility. It is made of steel bars and has 31 cast aluminium objects mounted on it.

The work is designed to establish a counterpoint to the architecture while also creating a link between the building and the artwork. The frame of the installation is steel and the building is made of timber, yet the artwork contains natural materials whose meandering shapes stand in contrast to the precision of the steel structure. By combining industrially produced with organic elements, Koivisto evokes the co-existence of city and nature. The work also refers to the location of the community centre in the district of Viikki, where nature is an integral part of the residential environment.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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