Bo Haglund: Seven Moralistic Study Prints, 2001. Photo: HAM/Hanna Kukorelli. Seven Moralistic Study Prints Artist Bo Haglund Brändö Gymnasium, Ståhlbergintie 2, 00570 Helsinki Indoor Sculpture Limited access: the work is available to view for the users of the premises only. Bo Haglund’s (b. 1963 Ilola, Porvoo) installation Seven Moralistic Study Prints for Brändö Gymnasium consists of seven oil paintings on gypsum boards of different sizes and shapes. One of the works serves as the clock in the entrance hall. The organic and oval shapes of the paintings are inspired by the school building’s 1950s-era architecture and also by computer game graphics. The shapes are also reminiscent of thought balloons or clouds. While independent, together the paintings create a thematic whole, comprising an ironic suite of moralistic study prints that depict a surrealist journey into the unknown. The works are entitled Tiden (Time), Bergsstigen (Mountain Path), Trapphuset (Stairwell), Trampolinmannen (Trampoline Man), Klyftan (Ravine), Korridoren (Corridor) and Målet (Goal). The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum. At map