Leonora Fredriksson: Redshanks on the Beach, 2000. Photo: HAM/Marja Pursiainen. Redshanks on the Beach Artist Leonora Fredriksson Pukinmäenkaari Comprehensive School, Kenttäkuja 12, 00720 Helsinki Indoor Sculpture Limited access: the work is available to view for the users of the premises only. Redshanks on the Beach by Leonora Fredriksson (b. 1967, Helsinki) is a tempera painting installed in a recess in the Pukinmäenkaari Comprehensive School. The painting violates conventional orders. The artist leads the viewer away from reality by mixing unreal elements with real ones, and the seaside view becomes surreal when human bodies are given animal heads. The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum. At map