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Kari Huhtamo: Avarte, 1988. You may not use this photo for commercial purposes. © Photo: Helsinki Art Museum


Artist Kari Huhtamo

Hiekkakiventie 2, Malmi, Helsinki

Kari Huhtamo belongs to a group of artists who started out in the 1960s and have since become established monumentalists. His works are characteristically spatial, but also remind the viewer of an archaic past. Despite their polished and steel-cold material, his works have a full-bloodedness similar to the Willendorf Venus. Their rhythm, created by the steel structures’ often humorous body language, is suggestive of movement and intimacy. Huhtamo’s reductive style of representation style is reminiscent of Henry Moore’s, Jean Arp’s and Brancusi’s works from the 1920s.

Huhtamo has made numerous public steel-constructed monuments in collaboration with computer experts, engineers, architects and craftsmen. His oeuvre also includes works of graphic art and colourful textiles.

The work doesn’t belong to the collections of the Helsinki Art Museum.

See also: Steel Construction.

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